
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Dear Prime Minister


  1. Great work Garnet - I cannot wait to see if you get a reply from the Prime Minister for this letter! You've raised some pertinent points and with very good reason should be provided with some answers, I have similar wonderings about where the money is coming from. Let's keep an eye out and see what attention this might grab! - Mrs T

  2. What a fantastic letter Garnet! You have clearly outlined your concerns and justified your position. Some very valid points indeed! I look forward to see what sort of reply you may receive.

  3. Garnet you have raised some interesting points. I am also apprehensive about returning to school. I can't wait to be able to give people real hugs, not virtual or air hugs. I hope she replies to your letter. Well done.

    1. Hi! Thank you for leaving such wonderful comments. Yes, well I did actually get a few replies, nothing too special but I have not received anymore recent ones as yet.
