
Thursday, March 26, 2020


As a follow up to my 'Corona Virus' slides, I had to create a poster explaining how important your decisions are and how they can potentially affect others. COVID-19 is taking a toll on some, however, it is in these times where we need to stay strong and support each other.  Help one and other to feel safe. Be prepared for what might come next. How are you feeling about COVID-19?


  1. What a great simple, yet effective poster Garnet - I really like this! The key information people need to know is exactly what you have provided, well done. I have been following the news about COVID-19 (possibly much like the rest of the world), and it is very concerning the rate in which people are contracting the virus and how fast it has spread. I think our country is doing the right thing by going in to isolation - I wish the rest of the world would follow suit so we can combat this virus. Love your work Garnet - Mrs T

  2. Thank-you for your comment Mrs T. Yes the number of cases we have around the world are rising so quickly.
    Thanks again, Garnet.
