
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nikola Tesla

Summer Learning Journey, Day 5, we got to choose someone famous for being either a scientist, technologist or an inventor. I have chosen to write about Nikola Tesla, an inventor. Enjoy!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 5

For the next activity of Day 5, I have to look at the nutritional facts between two different burgers.
Here is what I have found.

Summer Learning Journey Day 5

Hi everyone! We are now up to Summer Learning Journey Day 5. For the activity I have chosen to do is write about what I have learnt about cyber smart. Enjoy!

    1. Don't engage with strangers.
    2. Check with an adult before you post something online.
    3. Before you post something online, THINK, T- is it True, H- is it Helpful, I- is it Inspiring, N- is it Necessary, K- is it Kind.
    4. Don't share personal information; address, e-mail, password.
    5. Never open links or files from people you don't know or trust.

Friday, December 6, 2019


For Summer Learning Journey day 2, activity 1, I have done an infographic about Lorde. I have shared some interesting facts about her and I hope you enjoy reading it! :)

Summer Learning Journey Day 4

I am now on to the third activity of day 4 at the Summer Learning Journey programme. For this activity, I have to state whether or not I agree with Donald Trumps plan to build a wall between U.S.A and Mexico.

Here is what I think:
I highly disagree with Trumps plan to build the wall. There are many reasons why one of them being that it uses up so many resources, it would take time and money. It is not right to block off Mexico from America. Families are being separated and family members are dying just trying to see their family. This is NOT a good idea.

What are your thoughts on the wall being built?

Summer Learning Journey Day 4

Hey guys! So today we are now up to day 4 on the Summer Learning Journey programme. I have chosen to do activity 1. We have to write 5 things we would change in our school if we were the principal for 1 week. Enjoy!

Things that I would like to change:
  1. The nature walk would have to be cleaned and have colour and art and some monkey bars.
  2. A massive pool.
  3. Having a language class.
  4. A sports academy, teaching many different sports.
  5. Learning more subjects in class. 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 3

I am now up to Day 3 on my Summer Learning Journey. The 3 activities are based on Environment and Exploration. The activity that I have chosen to do stated who I thought had a positive impact on my life.

My Nana Velda has a massive impact on my life and how I act. She has taught me how to use my manners and be respectful of others. She makes me realise the little things in life that are actually the best things. She has taught me life long skills that I will carry on with later in my life. She is very supportive of my sporting choices and encourages me when opportunities arise. My nana always smiles-which makes me smile too!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gender pay Gap

For my second activity on Summer Learning Journey, I decided to state what I think about the gender pay gap. What are your thoughts?


It is Day 2 for the Summer Learning Journey activities. The first one I have chosen to do is one about similies. I have used a picture from pobble365 and I have come up with 4 similies from the picture. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My Pepeha

Today we have looked at a programme called Summer Learning Journey and we had to chooses out of 3 different famous people. Each of those people had an activity. I choose to do the activity of Taika Waititi. We had to make a Pepeha on this website. Here is my Pepeha :)